

Queima das Fitas 2023 will be held on 21 May


The graduation ceremony of the final year students of NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA will take place on May 21st, at the Caparica Campus.

The event will be attended by the Rector of Universidade NOVA, the Dean of FCT NOVA and the President of the Students' Association.

Families and friends are invited to attend the finalists students' ascent to the stage, which will take place in two distinct sessions, according to their courses, to receive their much desired diplomas. The first session, starting at 9.30am, will distinguish the finalists from the Departments: DCR, DEMI, DCM, DEC, DCT, DM and DF. In the second session, which will begin at14h00,it will be the turn of the graduating students of the Departments: DF, DCV, DCEA, DQ, DEEC and DI.

The event is organized by the Students Association of FCT NOVA (AEFCT).