Maria Ascensão Reis, professor at the Department of Chemistry of NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA, and leader of the Biochemical Engineering Lab at UCIBIO, was recently appointed, by the President of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, I.P.), member of the Scientific Council of Exact Sciences and Engineering of this institution.
With a extensive career in research, her scientific work has been distinguished with several awards, among them the Solvay & Hovione Ideas Challenge SHIC'08 - Solvay Award in 2008. She was nominated and elected to the Portuguese Academy of Engineering in 2009 and elected as IWA Fellow in September 2010. She is the editor of the journal Water Research (Elsevier).
The Scientific Councils are a consultative body supporting the FCT, I.P. Board of Directors, with an extremely vital role in terms of strategic advice and recommendations on the development, implementation and adaptation of support programmes for science and technology.
The Foundation for Science and Technology also counts in its organization with Professor Maria Paula Diogo, of the Department of Applied Social Sciences of FCT NOVA who, since April 17, integrates the FCT, I.P. Board of Directors, as its Member.