

Sílvia Sequeira wins EEA Grant from the Fund for Bilateral Relations


Sílvia Sequeira, a professor at the Department of Conservation and Restoration of NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA and a researcher at LAQV-REQUIMTE, recently won an EEA Grant from the Fund for Bilateral Relations, with the initiative "Microbiological contamination in cultural heritage settings: shared experiences for better approaches".

The winning project aims to establish a network between Portuguese and Norwegian conservators and scientists dealing with biodeterioration of cultural
heritage. This network will be established through the collaborative assessment of microorganisms (fungi and bacteria), both on heritage objects and in the surrounding environment, at two Norwegian cultural heritage settings: the University of Bergen Library (STA-ULB) and the University of Bergen Museum (UMB). This work results from a partnership with the University Museum of Bergen (Norway) and the Laboratory HERCULES, from the University of Évora.

The EEA Grants Portugal Fund for Bilateral Relations programme supports various initiatives to strengthen relations between Portugal and donor countries.