

Fulbright Research Scholarship with the support of FCT awarded two FCT NOVA students


João Campôa and Sara Silvestre, students at NOVA School of Science and Technology | FCT NOVA, are among the awarded candidates for the Fulbright Research Scholarship with the support of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) for the academic year 2022/2023.

João Compôa is a PhD student in Environment and Sustainability at Nova School of Science and Technology. His PhD project proposes to study the effects of long-term interaction between forest pest outbreaks and climate disturbances in trees development. Under this goal, he aims to reconstruct past outbreak events by joining dendrochronological and isotopic technologies. As a visiting researcher at Dartmouth College, he will study the longleaf pine woodlands at the Jones Center at Ichauway, in southwest Georgia, and the New Jersey Pinelands and utilize the historical data from insect attacks to develop the reconstruction methodology.

Sara Silvestre is a PhD student in Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences at CENIMAT|i3N (Materials Research Center), NOVA School of Science and Technology. On her project she explores renewable materials and environmentally friendly methodologies to develop components that can be integrated into self-sustaining technological platforms. This research area paves the way for a new, greener technology era. The opportunity to do an internship with Dr. Carmen Gomes’s group at Iowa State University, which is highly specialized in the fields of electrochemistry and energy storage, will mark a major step towards the student’s PhD goals. During her stay in the U.S., she intends to specialize in energy storage devices, more specifically in the development of supercapacitors, which will fulfill a crucial role in the final application of idealized green electronics.

Fulbright Scholarships offer Portuguese students and professors the opportunity to study, teach or do research in the United States of America, as well as American students and professors the opportunity to develop the same type of activities in Portugal.