The festival Tágides - International Festival of University Tunas organized by anTUNIA - NOVA School of Science and Technology, is back for its 28th edition.
A Serenade Night on March 11th marks the beginning of the celebrations, which culminates on March 12th with a great festival at Academia Almadense, where TMUC - Tuna de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra, TUIST - Tuna Universitária do Instituto Superior Técnico, TMP - Tuna de Medicina do Porto and Tuna Magistério de Cáceres will participate, and also, outside the competition, TunaMaria - Tuna Feminina da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
The event will also feature performances by guest groups Porbatuka and Margem.
More information on anTUNia's Facebook page.