On December 14, at 3:00 pm, the 1st Alliance Meeting for Equality in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) will take place within the framework of the "Engenheiras por Um Dia" program, of which the NOVA School of Science and Technology is a partner.
This meeting aims to strengthen and consolidate the network of partnerships for this Program, through the sharing of good practices and reflection on the participation of girls and women in ICT, and is attended by the Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva.
Taking into account the current pandemic situation, the event will be limited to 100 people upon registration and will be broadcasted online.
The "Engineers for One Day" program is coordinated by the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality, in conjunction with the Portuguese Charter for Diversity (APPDI), the Instituto Superior Técnico and the Ordem dos Engenheiros, 15 higher education institutions and 45 primary and secondary Schools. Since its creation in 2017, it has reached 10411 young people in primary and secondary schools.