

Applications for the new Pedagogical Innovation Award are open


Applications for the new Pedagogical Innovation Award are open

The mission of NOVA University Lisbon (NOVA) is to serve society through knowledge, developing teaching and research of excellence, drivers of significant social and economic value.

The achievement of this mission presupposes the promotion of excellent teaching, in all cycles of study, through highly qualified teachers capable of providing students with a learning experience based on solid and up-to-date knowledge, personally formative and intellectually challenging.

In this context, NOVA created the Pedagogical Innovation Award with the aim of encouraging good pedagogical practices and reinforcing the institutional commitment to recognizing and rewarding talent for training and teaching.

The Award

The Pedagogical Innovation Award aims to recognize and encourage the merit and commitment of NOVA's professors and researchers who stand out by the use of pedagogical practices, with high impact and reach, in curricular units of any type: practical and laboratory teaching; theoretical teaching; theoretical-practical teaching or tutorial guidance.
The prize is awarded annually and aims to distinguish pedagogical initiatives and practices, and respective results, which have been implemented at least in the academic year preceding the one in which the application for the Award is open.
The Award consists of the attribution of a pedagogical innovation grant with a monetary value of €4,500 and up to a maximum of 5 honorable distinctions with a value of €1,500 each.
When awarded to teams, each member will receive €3,000 and for honorable mentions each member will receive €1,000.

Who can apply 

NOVA professors and researchers can compete, individually or in teams of up to three elements.

Application deadline

31 March, 2022

How to apply

Applications must be submitted electronically via email

Please note that all applications must be written in English, as the jury for this award will be international.

Mandatory documentation:

a) Application form duly filled in with the justification for the application and declaration of consent from the proposed professor(s) or researcher(s).

Application form
Informed consent form (one per each candidate)

b) Simplified Curriculum Vitae of the candidate(s);

c) Identification of the email address of the person responsible for the application.

Evaluation of applications

Applications are analyzed by the Jury according to the following criteria:

  • Application quality (30%)
  • Pedagogical Merit (20%)
  • Scope of Initiative (15%)
  • Impact (35%


The Jury responsible for evaluating the applications is formed by:


Prof. João Sàágua – Rector of NOVA

External Members

Terry Maguire - Director of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Ireland)
Prof. Luís Castro - Professor of Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade de Lisboa. Member of the organization of CNAPPES - Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior
NOVA faculty members

Prof. Isabel Nunes - Pro-Rector of NOVA and Professor of NOVA School of Science and Technology
Prof. Francisco Caramelo - Professor of NOVA FCSH
Prof. Patrícia Rosado Pinto – retired Professor of NOVA Medical School
NOVA Students

Carolina Almeida – NOVA Medical School
André Nicolau Queda – NOVA Information Management School


For more information check the regulations (in Portuguese) here.