

10th UNICA Student Conference - Transforming Your University in the post COVID-19 age


10.ª edição da UNICA Student Conference

NOVA University Lisbon will host the 10th edition of the UNICA Student Conference which will take place from 18 to 21 July 2021. This edition will be built upon the challenges that universities are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic, but also on the inherent opportunities to reinvent themselves and generate a significant impact for an increasingly sustainable global society. The theme chosen for this Conference - "Transforming Your University in the post COVID-19 age" - focuses on the students' vision and ideas of how the university should adapt and transform itself in a post-pandemic global society.

The main theme will be addressed in the ten discussion Fora listed below.

1. Science in the city

2. Equal, diverse and inclusive universities

3. Europe’s position in world’s politics

4. Social media and European societies

5. More sustainable societies: the role of universities

6. International students: engaging with local communities

7. How can Universities and cities work together to improve students’ life?

8. Formal and informal learning: Innovative pedagogical approaches prompted by the COVID-19 crisis

9. Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary education

10. Jobs in the digital society: the role of universities

By combining keynote speeches, hard work in the discussion groups and social activities, the Conference provides students with a unique possibility of meeting their peers from other European countries and to share their views on meaningful issues related to HE. Students are also encouraged to formulate opinions and recommendations that can be voiced within the UNICA network as well as to relevant stakeholders and give rise to new challenging initiatives.

All updates on the Conference page here.



UNICA is an institutional Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe. It was founded in 1990, and it is currently made up of 55 universities from 38 capital cities of Europe, combining over 180,000 university staff and 2,000,000 students.

More info here.

About UNICA Student Conference

Initiated in 2000 by Freie Universität Berlin, the first university to advocate the involvement of students in the activities of the network, the UNICA Student Conference is now an established and joyful UNICA tradition. Every 2-3 years, the Conference gathers 200 to 300 students from UNICA Member universities whose enthusiasm and ideas bring a breath of fresh air to the network.

More info on past editions of UNICA Student Conference here.