

Outline: New NOVA School of Science and Technology students podcast gives voice to national leaders


Outline podcast

Since the begining of June, every week, always on Wednesdays, it has been possible to listen to the new Outline podcast. NOVA Talks's most recent project will interview leaders, scientists and entrepreneurs from various areas in this space intended to be open to students.

Ana Filipa Costa, founder of Baseville, a sustainable fashion brand, and Joana Campos, founder of Fashion Makers Studio and co-founder of The Red Wolf, were the program's first guests.

The conversations, informal but informative, intend to make known the biggest doubts of the students and to acquire perspectives of who is already in the job market.

NOVATalks is an initiative that started in 2016, organized by a group of students of NOVA School of Science and Technology, with the aim of motivating the entire student community to think and expand their knowledge in the areas of Science, Technology, Innovation and Sustainability.

Don't miss the upcoming episodes here.