

Rare diseases group led by NOVA School of Sience and Technology Researcher promotes specific information about COVID-19


The Grupo CDG&Allies PPAIN, whose activity focuses on Congenital Diseases of Glycosylation (CDG), led by Paula Videira, professor and researcher at the Department of Life Sciences of the NOVA School of Science and Technology and by Vanessa Ferreira, president of the APCDG, launched a specific information platform for these patients about COVID-19.  

The CGDs are a family of rare metabolic pathologies, of a genetic nature, mostly multisystemic, pediatric and highly disabling. For this reason, it is significant to respond to these patients.

 It was with this objective in mind that the network launched a platform with information, in 11 various languages, which it intends to keep updated and offer support to this community. The platform includes the contribution of 14 health professionals who are available to respond in real-time to the wishes of patients and family members.

The network also involved several patient associations and networks dedicated to rare diseases.