

Andrew Livingston distinguished by NOVA with Honory Doctorate


Andrew Livingston distinguished by NOVA with Honory Doctorate

The reputed specialist in Chemical Engineering, Andrew Livingston was distinguished with the Honorary Doctorate by NOVA, on October 21st, for his exceptional contribution to Science and technological development.

Professor of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London, recognized for the development of innovative technological platforms for the manufacture of chemical products and (bio)pharmaceuticals, Livingston has about 35 patents submitted. He specializes in membrane separation technologies and was awarded the Underwood Medal (2016) by the Institute of Chemical Engineers.

The Laudation was given of Andrew Livingston was was given by João Paulo Crespo, Full Professor and Coordinator of Research Centers at NOVA School of Science and Technology. Manuel Nunes da Ponte, Full Professor at the same school, was the Patron.

João Sàágua, Rector of NOVA, praised not only the scientific achievements of Andrew Livingston, but also his commitment to serve society through the production of knowledge, namely in the passage of testimony to new researchers and talents. «NOVA University, as a 21st century institution, is deeply committed to play a prominent role in the creation of a forward-thinking and forward-looking society, and does not turn away from the challenges ahead in the near future, which need to be addressed in a sustainable and often creative manner», the Rector stated.

The next day, the membrane separation expert presented the lecture “Molecular Separations in Organic Solvents, and the Quest for Perfect Polymers” to a full audience at the NOVA School of Science and Technology Library Auditorium.