The 2nd Portuguese Marine Waste Conference, which will take place from September 19th to 21st at Casa da Baía, in Setúbal, will bring together specialists and society around the theme and aims to highlight positive solutions for plastics and the reduction of marine litter.
The meeting promotes sessions devoted to community awareness, politics, the circular economy, research, available legislative instruments and civil society's contributions to reducing the problem. The program also includes flash sessions, workshops and a tasting of seaweed snacks prepared by the FCT NOVA Alga4Food Project.
To close the event and as a celebration of the National Beach Cleaning Day (September 21), the organization invites participants and the entire community to take part in the cleaning action of Albarquel Beach, Setúbal. This action runs in tandem with the worldwide beach clean-up campaign led by the american non-governmental organization Ocean Conservancy, contributing, as in previous years, to the worldwide marine litter database. Monitoring results will be added to the European Marine Waste database on the European Environment Agency's Marine Litter Watch website.
The 2nd Portuguese Marine Waste Conference is part of the Sea Week 2019 and is organized by the Associação Portuguesa do Lixo Marinho (Portuguese Association of Marine Waste) in partnership with the NOVA School of Science and Technology, MARE - Center for Marine and Environmental Sciences and the Municipality of Setúbal.