

FCT NOVA PhD student awarded for the second time at international conference


Thais Baldissera

Thais Baldissera, student of the PhD Program on Electrical and Computer Engineering of FCT-NOVA, supervised by Prof. Luis Camarinha-Matos, got the Best Student Paper Award for her contribution “Services Evolution in Elderly Care Ecosystems” at PRO-VE 2018 – 19th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, Cardiff, UK, 17-19 Sep 2018.

In this contribuition, Thais Baldissera analyses the aging process and the need for personalized and evolving care services, proposing the concept of collaborative elderly care ecosystem and a method for composite collaborative services evolution following a socio-technical perspective.

It is her second time receiving this distintion. In 2016 she conquered the conference with the  paper entitled “Services Personalization Approach for a Collaborative Care Ecosystem”, presented at the 17th IFIP International Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE 2016), held in Porto, also supervised by Prof. Luis Camarinha-Matos.