At the invitation of the Department of Materials Science the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology visit the FCT NOVA for the cooperation in education and research, involving:
• Student exchange;
• Promotion of KAUST as host site for students who want to master's thesis projects;
• Opening of the KAUST doctoral plans involving joint guidelines by the NOVA teachers;
• Joint projects in areas such as:
Materials; petroleum engineering; sustainable chemistry; electronic systems; information technology; industrial management; biophysics and bioengineering; catalysis; environmental impacts and use of water resources and desalination.
KAUST presentation will be held by General Michel Xavier, current Ambassador of KAUST to Europe, held on March 9, from 9:00 to 10:30am, at the Amphitheatre Leopoldo Guimarães (CENIMAT). The session is open to all who wish to participate.
09:00 to 09:30am: Presentation of Prof. F. Santana, Dean of FCT NOVA
09:30 to 10:30am: Presentation of General M. Xavier, KAUST Ambassador to Europe
10:30am to 12:00pm: Discussion and plan of potential partnerships
14:00 to 16:00pm: Lab visits
KAUST presentation will be held by the General Michel Xavier, current Ambassador of KAUST to Europe, on March 9, from 9:00 to 10:30am, at the Amphitheatre Leopoldo Guimarães (CENIMAT).