

Scholarships 2015/16


Scholarships 2015/16

The Applied Chemistry and Mathematics courses from FCT NOVA, for the next school year, will be given a total of 12 scholarships.



The best 10 students applying for the Applied Chemistry Course from the Faculty of Science and Technology from the Lisbon NOVA University (FCT NOVA) will have full tuition fees paid for the academic year 2015-2016.

 An initiative promoted by the Portuguese Society of Chemistry (SPQ) to encourage students for a degree in chemistry. The General Secretary of the SPQ, states that this measure seeks to change the ‘’crisis’’ of callings to the Chemistry keeping alive a course that is structuring and fundamental to the development of the country. It is necessary to fight the myth that Chemistry is a course without future. Chemistry is essential for the development of different areas, from health to the environment and to technologies. Thus in the next academic year we will fund 10 students with annual tuition fees, with half of the fees offered by the FCT NOVA. Selection process will began when 1st phase of national exams marks will be released. 



The ClubeMath will award two scholarships, one to a student who has attended the MathIngenious 2015 School and the other to a student who has attended any edition of MatNova School, which join the degree in Mathematics of the FCT-NOVA in the academic year 2015/16. Corresponding, each of the grants, to the payment of tuition fees for the academic year 2015/16.

Selection criteria: best mark entry.