

FCT spin-off company, “Introsys", features "Introbot Sampler"



The "IntRoSys" presented to the public in the FCT-NOVA Library, the "Introbot Sampler," a robot specifically designed for the detection, collection and analysis of samples in unknown terrain or at risk of environmental contamination.

This is the latest robotic system enabled for sampling in unfamiliar surroundings that might jeopardize the environment or even public health risk situations.

The "IntRoSys" owners are brothers Luis Miguel and Nuno Flores. Both were FCT students , Nuno has a Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management and Luis Miguel's Degree is in Computer Science. Currently he is student of the  PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

This company was also born in FCT-NOVA in 2002, specifically in UNINOVA, FCT’s  business incubator at the time. Many of its employees are FCT-NOVA former students.