The Prof. Fernando Cebola Lidon, Fernando Henrique Reboredo and Maria Fernanda Pessoa, integrated in the Department of Earth Sciences, FCT / UNL, were invited to present the results of their research on biofortification of cereals before researchers in the COST Action FA0905.
In Antalya - Turkey, between 16 and 19 March, before researchers representing 30 research centers of countries, these teachers disclosed, followed by discussion, results on biofortification of wheat in iron and zinc, as wellas calcium in apples. This research aimed to development food products with preventive health properties, namely relating cancer and osteoporosis . At the meeting were representatives of international companies have shown interest in participating in these projects, aiming a subsequent marketing of the products. Also some members of the Management Board of the COST Action FA0905 embarked contacts for joint submission of scientific research projects in the area of International Finance Programs.