

Residence Permit "EU Blue Card"



The object of this directive is to improve the European Union’s (EU) ability to attract highly qualified workers from third countries. The aim is not only to enhance competitiveness within the context of the Lisbon strategy, but also to limit brain drain. It is designed to:

facilitate the admission of these persons by harmonising entry and residence conditions throughout the EU;
simplify admission procedures;
improve the legal status of those already in the EU.
The directive applies to highly qualified third-country nationals seeking to be admitted to the territory of a Member State for more than three months for the purpose of employment, as well as to their family members.

Entry conditions

To be allowed into the EU, the applicant must produce:

a work contract or binding job offer with a salary of at least 1,5 times the average gross annual salary paid in the Member State concerned (Member States may lower the salary threshold to 1,2 for certain professions where there is a particular need for third-country workers);
a valid travel document and a valid residence permit or a national long-term visa;
proof of sickness insurance;
for regulated professions, documents establishing that s/he meets the legal requirements, and for unregulated professions, the documents establishing the relevant higher professional qualifications.
In addition, the applicant must not pose a threat to public policy in the view of the Member State. S/he may also be required to provide his/her address in that Member State.

Member States will determine the number of third-country nationals they admit.

Further information available at: