Master's in Environmental Engineering


Master's in Environmental Engineering

Be part of the generation that leads the way towards a sustainable future.

The sustainability of the Planet is ever more at the centre of scientific, political, business and social agendas, demanding specific competences of the professionals. Efficiency in the use of resources (water, energy, soil, raw materials), clean technologies, city planning, circular economy or renewable energies are examples of approaches to deal with problems such as loss of biodiversity, climate change, water scarcity and pollution, soil degradation, air and noise pollution, hazardous waste and marine litter.

The Master in Environmental Engineering adopts a systemic approach and promotes innovation as a process to increase social, ecologic and economic value.

Why this Master's?

  • The interdisciplinary nature of the program, crossing exact and natural sciences, engineering tools and social methods, provides the professionals with a unique profile and toolkit to deal with complex systems and work in different professional contexts;
  • The environmental engineers from NOVA FCT are a differentiating element in any organization. They possess the competences to create value for society and the market, and to safeguard the ecosystems, along with a wide range of knowledge and skills to solve complex interdisciplinary problems.

Applications 2025/26

1st Phase: FEB. 3rd to MAR. 22nd

2nd Phase: JUN. 2nd to JUL. 18th

Vacancies: 60

Duration: 2 years (120 ECTS)

Format: In-Person, Daytime

Language: Portuguese (all curricular units) and English (part of the curricular units)


Course Coordinator: João Joanaz de Melo,

Academic divison:

I want to apply:


All curricular units in the Master in Environmental Engineering include theoretical and practical components. The practical dimension, with a major weight in evaluation, may includelaboratory or field work, presentations and discussions in class, or interaction with external organizations. The  course Project in Environmental Engineering is mandatorily developed with an external partner (business, public institution or non-governmental organization). The Dissertation is supported in original research, frequently with external partners or other University departments. This multidisciplinary learning methods confers excellent practical education, both for technical jobs in the private or public sectors, and for research, innovation and decision support functions.

For whom

  • Holder of a bachelor degree in Environmental Engineering or areas akin, awarded in a country party to the Bologna Process;
  • Holder of a foreign academic degree in Environmental Engineering or areas akin, recognized by the Scientific Council of  NOVA FCT as equivalent to a bachelor degree under the Bologna Process;
  • Holder of an academic and professional curriculum which is recognized as adequate to join the Program, by the Scientific Council of NOVA FCT, under proposal by the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering.

Career opportunities

  • Consultancy, services and project:  all areas in environment and sustainability;
  • Industry, services and commercial companies, all sectors: environmental management systems, energy and water management; water, wastewater and wastes management; air and noise pollution; quality, safety and security; operations management; corporate governance and sustainability strategies;
  • International institutions (e.g. EC, EEA, JRC): policy development, research;
  • Central administration: national policy development, regulation, planning, funds management, climate action, environmental quality, nature conservation, tax policy, circular economy, project appraisal, licensing, inspection;
  • Regional and local administration: land use and urban planning, utilities operation and management (water, wastewater and urban waste), protected area management, energy and environmental management, fiscalization, education, local development;
  • Teaching and research: all areas in environment and sustainability;
  • Environmental NGO: policy doctrine, public intervention, citizenship, education.


Alexandre Silva

Alexandre Silva

Research fellow, CENSE

“A estrutura curricular do curso, que é regularmente atualizada, oferece as ferramentas necessárias para iniciar a experiência profissional, quer seja ela de natureza privada, pública ou académica. Paralelamente, é acompanhada de uma rede de oportunidades capaz de fomentar as competências de cada aluno/a). O corpo docente apresenta um portfólio vasto de experiências profissionais e académicas, que refletem e expandem as áreas de estudo para novos horizontes. É ainda, neste contexto, que possibilitam, por um lado, o crescimento constante dos/as estudantes com recurso a atividades do “mundo real” e, por outro lado, o desafio de inovar, onde o/a aluno/a tem espaço para desafiar e explorar novos horizontes dentro da área de engenharia do ambiente – e, naturalmente, ser desafiado/a”. 

João Galego

João Galego

Design Engineer
Veolia Ireland 

"Com a crescente importância da sustentabilidade nas estratégias empresariais, os Engenheiros do Ambiente são amplamente reconhecidos pelos empregadores pelo seu conhecimento essencial para abordar essas temáticas. A NOVA FCT destaca-se como instituição de referência na formação destas competências bem como na empregabilidade dos seus alunos". 

Anterior Próximo


The Master in Environmental Engineering has a vast range of partnerships and protocols with other Universities, business, public and private institutions, to support curricular projects, dissertations, academic exchanges, field trips and voluntary activities.


3Drivers, Águas de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Águas do Tejo Atlântico, Águas de Portugal, Águas de Santo André, Águas do Algarve, Águas do Alto Alentejo, Águas do Norte, AMARSUL, Ambimed/Stericycle, ANA aeroportos, APA-Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente, APED, Autoeuropa, Cascais Ambiente, Centro Paroquial da Costa da Caparica, Corticeira Amorim, CP-Comboios de Portugal, EDIA, Editory Hotels (Sonae), Electrão, EMAC, ENA, EPAL, ERP-Portugal, ERSAR, Fucoli-Somepal, GALP, GEOTA, Gráfica Ideal, Grupo LIDL, Grupo Luz Saúde, GVB, Herdade do Esporão, ICNF, KWR, Water Research Institute, LNEC, LNEG, MC Sonae, Metropolitano de Lisboa, Ministério da Defesa (Exército, Marinha e Força Aérea), Município de Almada, Município de Lisboa, Município de Idanha-a-Nova, Município de Setúbal, Município do Seixal, Município de Torres Vedras, Navigator, Novabase, Portucel-Soporcel, Quinta da Lage, Quinta da Ravasqueira, Resiquímica, Roca, SIGERU, Siemens, Simarsul, Sociedade Ponto Verde, SOGILUB, Sonae Modelo-Continente, Sonae Indústria, Sonae Sierra, SOVENA, TAP, Terracel Transtejo/Soflusa, Tratolixo, Vale da Rosa, Valnor, Valorcar, Valorlis, Valormed, Valorsul, Wetsus-European center of excellence for water.

About the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering

The Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (DCEA), established in 1976, was a pioneer in the teaching of Environmental Engineering. It integrates fundamental skills from various scientific fields with new environmental and digital technologies, embracing interdisciplinarity and sustainability as core pillars.

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