

Arquivo de notícias de May de 2014

Training course - Climate Change Adaptation in AML - Lisbon Metropolitan Area

Auditório da Biblioteca e Sala Ágora

2nd and 3rd of June

Encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação (BI - Licenciado) no âmbito do Projeto "PolarBone - Novos sustitutos ósseos sintéticos baseados em fosfato de cálcio polarizados electricamente" nº 38996 do Lab. Associado I3N Pólo CENIMAT da FCT/UNL.

Filipa Peleja, PhD student in the Computer Science Department of the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, stood out in the latest edition of ZON DevDays 2015 with "Social NOS" , an integrated social-media entertainment experience, reaching the 1st place in the Television of the Future Challenge, with a prize money of 3.000 euros.


FCT students Manuel de Almeida Eliseu, Manuel Filipe Vicente and Rita Dionisio were part of the 1st prize winner team with the project “UVMotions”.
Filipe Rodrigues, also an FCT student, took part in the 2nd place winner team with the project "Heat it", and FCT student Pedro Vasconcelos Fernandes was part of the 3rd place winner team with the project "Course me up"


The last lecture of the cycle "Mathematics in the FCT" will take place next Thursday 4th, at 14:00. The guest this last session, Dr. Bruno Vaz, is talking about "Life, Work, Disability, Retirement and Death ... how mathematics relates them." The lecture is addressed to students of mathematics, but open to the general public. It will certainly be an excellent talk.


The doctoral programme on Technology Assessment of FCT-UNL is referenced in the last issue (6) of the international magazine VolTA: "is the only one of its kind in Europe."


The Galilean School of Higher Education, a program of excellence of the University of Padova, will recruit up to five highly-motivated foreign students, who can either enroll in a 2-years program towards the Master Degree (second cycle, in Italian Laurea Magistrale) or at the 4th year of a 5-years Single Cycle Degree (in Italian, Laurea a Ciclo Unico).


Introduction: The evaluation methods of movement based on Functional Scales are subjective, therefore of questionable sensitivity. The kinematics analysis is the most widely used method in characterizing the movement; however this analysis, when applied to the Upper Limb shows greater complexity, because it is not based on cyclical movements.


Professor Doutor José Carlos Caldeira (Director do INESC Porto – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto e Administrador Executivo do PRODUTECH – Pólo das Tecnologias de Produção. É membro do High Level Group da Plataforma Tecnológica MANUFUTURE e Chairman do seu National and Regional Tecnology Platforms Group.


This dinosaur, discovered in 1996 by the paleontologist Octávio Mateus, professor at the FCT (Faculty of Science and Technology) of the UNL (New University of Lisbon) and collaborator of the Museum of Lourinhã, has now been described as a new genus and species.


On April 8th, Viviana Correia, from the Protein Crystallography & GlycoLab Group from FCT-NOVA, awarded the Prize for Best Poster with the poster entitled “Implementation of the Microarray Technology for studying molecular interactions of the bacterial Cellulosome”, in the 3rd ENURS & ESRF Day, that took place in Leiria's Polytechnic Institute.


Professor Ana Aguiar Ricardo (Department of Chemistry - FCT/UNL, and REQUIMTE - Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry), has been appointed National representative at the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) – Chemistry and the Environment Division, for the term 2014-2015.
