Concurso para Bolsa de Investigação


It is open for enrolment a Research Scholarship (BI) integrated in the Project PTDC/EIA/68183/2006 entitled Learning Spatio-Temporal Oceanographic Patterns (LSTOP), hosted in research Centre for Artificial Intelligence ( of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT/MCTES), whose conditions are:

1. Duration and Terms: 3 months, starting November 1st, 2010, as a full-time position according to the terms of (

2. Object of Scientific Activity: The goal of the proposed research is in the field of spatial clustering and extensions to multi-agent clustering, for the automatic recognition of mesoscale Oceanographic patterns like upwelling from Sea Surface Temperature images.

For more information, please consult:

3. Required Qualifications: The conditions for the acceptance of applications follow the terms for the research scholarships of FCT. The applicant should have a degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or related areas. Preference for students of the Computer Science Master Course. Students with good programming skills will be appraised.

4. Salary: The amount published by FCT to scholarships in Portugal (

5. Application: Detailed curriculum vitae; College statement of the degree with the final grade; College statement with the grades obtained in the individual courses taken. Motivation letter of the applicant.

All documentation should be e-mailed to:
A/C Doutora Susana Nascimento
Departamento de Informática, FCT-Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Quinta da Torre
2829- 516 Caparica,

6. Dates:Application submission: September 22th to October 18th 2010.
Scholarship starts: November 1st 2010

For any further information please contact: Doutora Susana Nascimento (