It is open for enrolment a Research Scholarship (BI) integrated in the Project PTDC/EIA/69988/2006 entitled Computational Approach to Ontology Profiling of Scientific Research Organisations (COPSRO), hosted in research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (http://centria.di.fct.unl.pt/) of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT/MCTES), whose conditions are:
1. Duration and Terms: 6 months, starting October 1st, 2010, and renewable up to 31 July 2011, as a full-time position according to the terms of Regulations for Advanced Training and Qualification of Human Resources 2007.
2. Object of Scientific Activity: The aim of the COPSRO project is to develop a methodology for profiling scientific research organisations based on mapping the activity they conduct on an ontology of the field in which they operate. The methodology has been applied to CS departments of Universities in Portugal and UK, having as taxonomy the ACM-CCS classification system (http://www.acm.org/class/1998/ccs98.html).
The goal of the research is to work on bi-clustering and its extension to fuzzy spectral bi-clustering exploring spectral decomposition of similarity matrixes. The application is on building fuzzy profiles of Computer Science researchers in terms of the ACM-CCS subjects. For more information, please consult:
3. Required Qualifications: The conditions for the acceptance of applications follow the terms for the research scholarships of FCT. The applicant should have a Master (preferably), or Degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics or related areas, with a minimum grade of 14 (out of 20) or equivalent. Individuals with good knowledge in Machine Learning and Data Mining, and/or Linear Algebra, as well as good programming skills will be appraised.
4. Salary: The amount published by FCT to scholarships in Portugal: € 980 (Master) / € 745 (Degree) monthly.
5. Application: Detailed curriculum vitae; College statement of the degree with the final grade; College statement with the grades obtained in the individual courses taken. One or two recommendation letters will be appraised.
All documentation should be mailed (regular mail and e-mail) and addressed to:
A/C Doutora Susana Nascimento
Departamento de Informática, FCT-Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Quinta da Torre
2829- 516 Caparica,
Dates: Application submission: September 13th to 27th 2010. Scholarship should start at: October 1st 2010
For any further information please contact: Susana Nascimento (snt@di.fct.unl.pt).