Position of Assistant Researcher


Job description

The Laboratories of Bioinorganic Chemistry and Protein Engineering and Biochemistry and Biophysics of Proteins REQUIMTE/CQFB is active in a wide range of interests in the Life Sciences domains, including the study of metabolic processses that involve metaloproteins at molecular and structural level. Selected examples are listed: protein purification, overexpression and site directed mutagenesis, isotopic labelling, spectroscopic tools (i.e. EPR, NMR and Moessbauer) for determination of structure-function relationships, Bio-electrochemistry, applications that involve Bioenergetics, Elemental Cycles, Biocorrosion and Bioremediation.
The holder of this position is expected to conduct his/her own research within the activities of the host laboratory. He/she is expected to act as supervisor of research students and trainees and to help to manage ongoing projects as well as the laboratory infrastructure. The candidate is expected to design, perform and supervise projects, and promote technology transfer by establishing new research contracts with Industry.

Candidate profile
The candidate should have PhD in the area of Bioinorganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry (Biomimetic) e Biochemistry (structure-function aspects). He/she should have a large experience in the application developed in the laboratory, evidenced by scientific publications in international journals of high standard. The candidate should have previous experience in the development of research projects and in the dissemination of results through academic conferences and scientific papers. Preference is given to a candidate who evidences capacity for autonomous scientific research.
The applications, accompanied with detailed Curriculum Vitae and copy of the Diploma Certificate, should be sent between September 21st – October 15th, 2010 to: Secretaria da Direcção do Departamento de Química da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica.