

Arquivo de notícias de November de 2013

The seminar will be presented by Doctor Fernando Lopes, researcher at Laboratório Nacional de energia e Geologia, in december 4th, at 14:30 at Library auditotium at FCT/UNL.


PhD scholarship on parallel corpora alignment and extraction of word and multi-word translations from those corpora


The Board of the Southern Delegation of the Portuguese Order of Engineers proposed and the National Governing Board approved the award of Honorary Membership category to the Faculty of Science and Technology.


In the General Assembly of the Engineering Academy, held last 22 November, the Governing Bodies for the triennium 2013-2016 were elected.


In each issue Europhysics News, the magazine of the European Physical Society, highlights the most important papers published in European journals. In its latest issue this publication has highlighted the article "Analysis of the charge state distribution in Ar plasma", of Mauro Guerra, Pedro Amaro, and José Paulo Santos, from the CFA-FCT, in the plasma physics subject.


Next Tuesday, November 26th at 14:00 in Amphitheater 1A VII, will be held another session of talks "Mathematics in FCT."

The guest is Professor Marta Faias, and the topic of her lecture will be "Game Theory: mathematics in economic models, from industrial economics to economies of pure gift."


Last 15 November, Professor Luís Gomes, from the Department of Electrical Engineering was elected Vice President for Technical Activities of  IEEE-Industrial Electronics Society for the biennium 2014-2015. Professor John Martins of the same Department was elected Chair of the Technical Committee on Education in Engineering and Industrial Technologies also for the same period.


Chemistry Department at FCT/UNL will be visit by 970 high scholl students from 10th to 12th grade to perform Chemistry lab experiments.


DISPAR-Distribution Investments SGPS SA, signed a cooperation protocol with FCT-UNL contemplating the award of a grant in the amount of 10,000 euros to support research development in courses or lectures of the MSc in Environmental Engineering, related to the theme of continuous improvement of the environmental performance of the distribution sector.


The student Diogo Faria dos Santos of the MSc in Environmental Engineering was one of the selected students for the  "VALORFITO Armando Murta's Scholarship" sponsored by SIGERU, Ltd., responsible for the Integrated Management of Packaging Waste in Agriculture (VALORFITO). 


The Prime Minister appointed Elvira Fortunato, Lamego José Nogueira de Brito, Miguel Monjardino and Rui Ramos to the Board of Trustees of the Luso-American Foundation for Development (FLAd), for which Vasco Rato was the Chosen president. John Olson and Virginia L. Staab were the names given by the Embassy of the United States for this Council.


Presentation NAVIKI, browser European use cycle tour, the internet and the application for smartphones. Use for promotion and planning of greenways bike lanes at European level. Presentation of the project Ecovias in Portugal, the online portal and the possibilities download routes bike lanes. Example of use of NAVIKI for georeferencing route.
