

Arquivo de notícias de May de 2013

In this session we will present assessment tools of production, publishing strategies and valuing individual and practical examples.

May 15 | 14:30 | Ed VII> Room 1.8

Trainer: Susana Lopes (ITQB / UNL)

Model training: Hands on


Professor José Carlos Kullberg of DCT, was elected last 30th April Vice President of the International Association for Geoethics (IAGETH) for West Europe. The candidature resulted from an invitation by the President, Prof. Jesús Martínez-Frías (Spain) and the election was held between delegates of countries from all continents.


Portugal Telecom, in partnership with Estrutura de Missão para a Extensão da Plataforma Continental (EMEPC), has launched the challenge “Desafio Mar by Talento com Fibra” to university students. The main goal of this challenge is transforming into sustainable businesses the best proposals for new technologies or goods and services connected to the Sea Economy


Química sem Ver por João Aires de Sousa (DQ)
15 de Maio de 2013 | 13:00h
Auditório da Biblioteca da FCT/UNL
Entrada Livre


PhD student Dario Rodrigues awarded the "2013 New Investigator Travel Award" at the annual meeting ( / eBusSFTM / MEETINGS.aspx) of the Society for Thermal Medicine (USA) in Aruba. 


Next 8th May, António Câmara, YDreams ' Chief Executive Officer  and Professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa will present his new book, "Voando com os pés na terra", in a session taking place at the Portuguese Environment Agency's Auditorium in Lisbon (Av. Gago Coutinho, 30).


Formação em RSS Feeds

Formador:  João Fernandes 


08 de Maio  | 14:30h  | Ed. VII  >  Sala 1.8

Inscrições em:


Deloitte and BEST Almada invite all finalist students of Bachelorate and Masters level in IT enginerring of FCT-UNL to join the IT Business Challenge which will take place on May 8th and 15th, inside the faculty.


The School of Science and Technology of Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT/UNL), through its Physics Department, is seeking for a fellowship collaborator, In order to support its research programme, namely in relation to equipment and technical devices management (acquisition, maintenance, stocks).
