

NOVA FCT team up with ANJE to accelerate digital training for managers


In October, the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE) will launch a series of training programmes for managers and leaders across the country, in collaboration with various higher education institutions. NOVA FCT was the higher education institution identified by the Lisbon region, which will train 90 students with skills designed to meet the needs of a growing economy.

The Association assumes that Portugal has a recognised training deficit and a mismatch between installed skills and the skills required by an increasingly sophisticated economy. These programmes aim to improve the productivity and competitiveness of the business community and the Portuguese economy, say the ANJE representatives.

‘NOVA FCT's role is to provide training for young people and adults to contribute positively to the country's sustainable and competitive growth, accelerating the digital skills edutation of managers and leaders,’ says Eurico Cabrita, Vice-Dean of Innovation and Research.

In addition to NOVA FCT, the consortium includes the University of Algarve, the University of Évora, the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP) and the Higher Institute of Entre Douro and Vouga. The ‘Líder + Digital’ measure is a programme of the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP) and is part of the ‘Emprego + Digital 2025’ programme.

In the press

ANJE vai formar gestores e líderes empresariais em parceria com várias universidades do país, ECO