Isabel Moura, professor in the NOVA FCT's Department of Chemistry and a researcher at LAQV-REQUIMTE, will be honoured with the 2024 Alberto Romão Dias Prize.
The Award, established by the Portuguese Chemical Society in 2009, aims to recognise Chemists who, through their scientific work produced in Portugal, have made a significant contribution to the advancement of Inorganic Chemistry in the broad sense, which includes Bioinorganic Chemistry.
This year, the Prize will be awarded ex aequo to Isabel Moura and Inês Pereira (NOVA ITQB). The excellence of their scientific careers, their substantial contributions to the development of Inorganic Chemistry, their scientific leadership and their international recognition has served as the basis for these two nominations.
The prize will be awarded during the 4th Inorganic & Bioinorganic Conference - 2024IBiCC , which will take place at the NOVA Rectory in Lisbon from 16 to 18 May.