

NOVA FCT hosts Global Women's Breakfast on February 27th


On February 27th, at 10 am, the NOVA School of Science and Technology | NOVA FCT, in collaboration with the Department of Chemistry, will once again be hosting the Global Women's Breakfast (#GWB2024).

This year's gathering focuses on the theme "Catalysing Diversity in Science" and, like previous editions, aims to establish an active network of individuals of all genders to address barriers to gender equality in science.

The #GWB2024 at NOVA FCT will take place both in person in the Agora Room and virtually, allowing colleagues from other universities, scientific societies, primary and secondary schools to participate in a one-hour session showcasing their activities and research projects. A simple breakfast of coffee and cake will be provided during the event.

This event is organized internationally by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) in collaboration with UN Women and Girls in Science Day.

Register for the event here.