

NOVA FCT Faculty with 16 career progressions and three new hires since January


Investing in NOVA FCT faculty has been one of the priorities of the Faculty's Management, which, since January this year, has confirmed career progression for 13 professors and hired a new faculty member. The latest contract signing ceremony, on February 22, further reinforced these numbers with the promotion of three academic staff and the hiring of two more professors.

The Department of Chemistry saw the progression of two of its faculty members to the rank of Full Professors. Carlos Alberto Gomes Salgueiro and José Luís Capelo Martinez are now professors with added responsibilities, as highlighted by the Dean of NOVA FCT, José Júlio Alferes, noting that "since Biochemistry is the largest undergraduate program in the Department, it is very important that we have more people responsible for its academic and pedagogical direction."

The Department of Earth Sciences, which has diversified its scientific offerings with the Undergraduate programme in Agro-Industrial Technology, now has Maria Manuela Abreu da Silva as an Associate Professor.

Assistant Professors André Naghi Lopes dos Santos Nouri and Rita João Duarte Lopes Gouveia have joined the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering. To these two professors in particular, José Júlio Alferes issued the challenge to "continue making this department the reference among the Organic Units of NOVA University Lisbon. This is the NOVA Environment School."

In the presence of colleagues, friends and students, the session concluded with the traditional group photo.