

Training session raises awareness of the importance of recycling


On 29 November, NOVA FCT hosted a training session dedicated to recycling. This initiative, organized under the protocol established between NOVA University Lisbon and Sociedade Ponto Verde, is part of the zero waste policy implemented by the University, in line with NOVA's strategic plan to be a leader in its commitment to sustainable development.

"Universities are spaces for transformation and creating change. These initiatives objectives are to create more involvement and awareness in academic communities that will be important in the behaviours we will have in the future," explained Afonso Noutel, manager and trainer at Sociedade Ponto Verde.

The session goal is to sensitise and involve academic staff and the teams of the concession companies to the importance of recycling and their role in building a more sustainable campus.

"It is crucial teams realise their importance and their contribution to improving procedures and behaviour. This training aims to clarify everyone's role in the process, dispel doubts and open up more effective communication channels. This trainings will be extended to the rest of the NOVA FCT community, whose contribution is essential to the success of this significant challenge, which is the correct disposal of waste generated on Campus," explains Marco Lopes, from the Technical Support Division and NOVA FCT's representative on the NOVA Zero Waste Working Group.

The NOVA Zero Waste Working Group includes members from all of NOVA's School, the SAS NOVA and the Rectory. It was set up with the aim of sharing waste management experiences and solutions, defining operation plans, co-organising awareness-raising actions and other initiatives with the ultimate goal of moving NOVA towards a zero waste University.