

Contract signing ceremony strengthens NOVA FCT's academic and technical team


On the past 28th of September, the eighth contract signing event of 2023 took place, which included members of the non-teaching team. In total, three professors advanced in their careers, and six new academic support staff members were integrated.

The progression of the professors now includes Rodrigo de Moura Gonçalves, who, with this officialisation, becomes the DEC's newest Full Professor. The DEMI saw José Manuel Cardoso Xavier and Pedro Samuel Gonçalves Coelho rise to Associate Professors.

"It is of great significance for the school that these professors have received official recognition for the roles they have been fulfilling," states the Dean of NOVA FCT, José Júlio Alferes.

Among the new additions, Amandine Valente Pires and Maria Manuel da Silveira Costeira Rebelo Bandeira have joined the DRF team. IRIS now includes Ália Mohamade Amadá and Sérgio Ricardo Grilo Borges Dinis. João Pedro Silva Frias has joined the Contracts Unit as a new team member, and Bárbara Alves Pinto Bravo has bolstered the DAT team.

"The reinforcement, rejuvenation, and training of our staff who support academic activities are essential," the Dean emphasized during the event.