

New President of the Dep. of Applied Social Sciences and Associate Professors of the Dep. of Conservation and Restoration take office


Last June 29th, was celebrated the appintement of José Luís Toivola Câmara Leme , as the new President of the Department of Applied Social Sciences (DCSA) at NOVA FCT.

"The Department Presidents are executive members of the direction, that is how they should be seen. They are people who on the ground manage this house and it is with pleasure that I appoint the new president of the DCSA", said José Júlio Alferes, Dean of NOVA FCT. "But first I want to thank and acknowledge Professor Maria Paula Diogo, for the work she has developed in a department that differs from the others but that has been able to assert itself in the School by its excellent teaching and research. This is also a Ddepartment with many challenges ahead", he added.

In the photo, from right to left: New President of DCSA, DEAN of NOVA FCT, ceasing President of DCSA.

The recently appointed President of the DCSA thanked "I will quote a saying that has accompanied me throughout my life: «If you want to make the good god laugh tell him your projects». I started at NOVA FCT in 88. This is my home and it is an honour to take up this position. I thank you from my heart and soul and I have already made the good Lord smile once again".

Márcia Vilarigues Rodrigues, current President of the Department of Conservation and Restoration, and Rita Andreia Silva Pinto de Macedo, from the same department, signed in the same ceremony their contracts as Associate Professors.

The Dean of NOVA FCT stressed again that these contracts are important to structure the pedagogical and scientific policy and restore the fairness of the positions.