

Matilde Abreu will represent Portugal at the European Leadership Academy


Matilde Abreu, student from the Integrated Master in Micro and Nanotechnologies Engineering at NOVA FCTDepartment of Materials Science, is one of the 29 candidates selected to participate in the European Leadership Academy's School for Female Leadership in the Digital Era, which will take place in Valencia, Spain, this summer.

This school aims to recognise and support the immense potential of female talent and empower women to lead the technology revolution.

The School for Female Leadership in the Digital Age provides students with female role models and allows them to network and express their ideas and visions in a safe and inspiring environment.

The 21-year-old student was selected by a distinguished jury composed of business executives, EU policy makers, professors, journalists and equality campaigners from the 27 Member States, Ukraine and the "Western Balkans 6".
