"FIT4FUNDING," a joint project between FCT NOVA, NOVA IMS, NOVA FCSH, and NMS, was one of the three winning projects of the first edition of the "Agir Diferente na NOVA (ADN) Prize," created to identify, encourage, disseminate, and leverage innovative management practices existing at the NOVA University of Lisbon.
The "FIT4FUNDING" project, created between the existing research support offices at NOVA, is characterized by the development of a common training program aimed at researchers from the different organic units who plan to submit applications for European funds. The training program, in addition to encouraging applications for European projects, also aimed to enhance collaborations and synergies between the different areas of knowledge of NOVA.
"The main objective is to help the researcher identify and secure relevant funding for their research, through a practical training approach based on close collaboration between the research support offices of the four organic units. The training sessions help to better understand the new Horizon Europe program, participation rules, and what the European Commission's expectations are for the coming years," explains Juliana Monteiro, responsible for the project.
FCT NOVA was the third organic unit with the most applications submitted, with eight projects in competition. A total of 46 applications were sent.
In addition to the "FIT4FUNDING" project, which won the KPMG Award, the other two winning projects were also announced at the ADN Awards gala, held on April 21. "Implementation of an Open School Model at the University," a joint project between ENSP and NOVA IMS, which received the Quidgest Prize. And "NOVA Impact - Promotion of Entrepreneurship," a project presented by the Rectorate, which received the Digitalis Prize.
An honorable mention was also awarded to the "Life of NOVA on Wiki" project, presented by the Rectorate.
The ceremony coincided with the World Creativity and Innovation Day, celebrated by everyone present at Nova SBE's facilities in Carcavelos, about two hundred members of the NOVA community, including prize candidates, the rectorate team, and other guests.
The ADN Prize Jury was chaired by Vice-Rector Pedro Saraiva and composed of the President of INA, the Administrator of the University of Aveiro, and representatives from two private companies. This prize was also sponsored by DIGITALIS, KPMG, and QUIDGEST.