

FCT NOVA has 1098 places available for admission to higher education and a new undergraduate degree


The NOVA School of Sciences and Technology | FCT NOVA offers 1098 places in the first phase of the national admission competition to higher education in 2023 and has a new undergraduate degree in Agro-Industrial Technology.

The undergraduate degree in Agro-Industrial Technology, which will have its first edition in the current academic year, is one of the novelties of FCT NOVA, and will open with 35 places available for the first phase of the competition. FCT NOVA thus expands its undergraduate offer, now with 19 undergraduate degrees in the areas of science and engineering.

Computer Science and Engineering is the course with the most places available (170), followed by the undergraduate degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (166). The undergraduate degree in Biochemistry offers 80 places, Mechanical Engineering 75, and Chemical and Biological Engineering offers 67 places. The undergraduate degrees in Cell and Molecular Biology and Micro and Nanotechnology Engineering also have a large number of places available, 65 and 60, respectively.

The undergraduate degree in Cell and Molecular Biology is the course with the highest grade of the last admitted student in the 1st phase of the previous academic year (17.60), followed by Biomedical Engineering (17.58) and Physics Engineering (17.46).

In the press (Portuguese):

Acesso ao ensino superior 2023: FCT NOVA tem mais de mil vagas e uma nova licenciatura, O Almadense