

FCT NOVA celebrates nine new assistant professors


The contract-signing ceremony for nine auxiliary professors took place on February 2 at the NOVA School of Science and Technology.

The new assistant professors are João Miguel Lourenço Ribeiro, Alexander Andrew Davidson and Kevin Christopher Gallagher (Department of Computer Science), Carlos David da Silva Oliveira dos Santos (Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering), André Mendes de Carvalho and Miguel Araújo Machado (Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), Joana Maria Dória Vaz Pinto Morais Sarmento (Department of Materials Science), Susana Catarina Dias França de Sá (Department of Conservation and Restoration) and Jorge Felizardo Dias Cunha Machado (Department of Physics).

"It is important to welcome the new comers because these are career contracts. These are choices of the School, and they have chosen our School, in a medium and long term commitment. In addition, we are welcoming people at the beginning of their careers, and it is important to renew the School. Because the School is the teachers, the students, the researchers and the non-teaching staff.The school is the people. If the walls need reinforcement, so does the Faculty. I hope to count on everyone to make this School", said José Júlio Alferes, Dean of FCT NOVA.

The ceremony was held in the meeting room of Building I and was attended by the Dean's Office and Department Presidents.