

From academia to the private sector: FCT NOVA welcomes David M. Giltner, expert in technology commercialisation


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David M. Giltner will be at NOVA School of Science and Technology on February 23 as part of the partnership between FCT NOVA Library and American Corner Portugal for a lecture and a workshop dedicated to the subject of transition from academia to the private sector.

"Can a scientist find a rewarding career in industry?" will be the topic of the talk that will take place from 11am to 12pm in the library auditorium and "Genuine Networking. How to network when you hate networking" will be the theme developed in the workshop that will take place in the Ágora room, from 2pm to 3pm.

David M. Giltner is an international speaker and mentor on the subjects of technology commercialisation, product development and career design. He is the author of the books "Turning Science into Things People Need" and "It's a Game, not a Formula" and has spent more than 20 years developing cutting-edge photonics technologies into commercial products in the fields of optical communications, remote sensing, directed energy and scientific instrumentation.

David M. Giltner will give yet another lecture, at the Rectorate of NOVA University of Lisbon, on February 22, which will feature two sessions. The first entitled "Designing your own career path in the private sector" and a second session dedicated to the theme "Telling better stories with the same facts".

Registrations and more information here.