

DAY OF NOVA will be celebrated on the 3rd of November


DAY OF NOVA will be celebrated on the 3rd of November

Next November 3rd, the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa will commemorate the DAY OF NOVA 2022 at the Rectory Auditorium.

This year the Commemorative Ceremony of NOVA Day is dedicated to Sustainability.


4 p.m. | Opening Ceremony with Academic Procession

Intervention of the Rector, Prof. João Sàágua

Intervention of the President of the General Council, Dr. Luísa Ferreira

Intervention of the student Pedro Afonso Casinha (NOVA School of Science and Technology), representing the Students Council

Homage to the Athletes of NOVA

Intervention of Architect João Carreiras (SASNOVA), representing the Workers

Intervention of the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Prof. Dr. Elvira Fortunato

Musical Moment

From emergency response to the creation of resilience to shocks - Intervention by Pedro Matos, Emergency Coordinator of the World Food Programme.

Imposition of the Insignias to the New Doctors

6.30 p.m. | Closing Ceremony with Academic Procession

Cocktail at the Atrium

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