

Rodrigo Martins is the first Portuguese scientist at the G7 Summit 2022


Rodrigo Martins, professor and researcher at the Department of Materials Science of NOVA School of Science and Technology, is the first national scientist — and the third Portuguese personality — to attend the G7 Summit.

The meeting, that gathers representatives from the seven wealthiest countries in the world, will take place between November 21st and 23rd this year in Calgary, Canada, and will focus on the topic "One Health". This summit serves as a forum to create a multidisciplinary collaboration and promote excellent levels of health for humans and animals, taking into account the increased awareness of the degree of interdependence between human and animal health and the environment.

In an interview to Expresso newspaper, Rodrigo Martins clarified that "the summit strives to demonstrate the relevance of science in defining strategies that have a global impact on society." And added that "in my participation I will place some emphasis in sustainability and relevance of materials, as well as in the progress of science associated to the areas of sustainable electronics, health, energy, agriculture and water, without forgetting the social sciences and humanities as the great binding tissue that should guide all scientific research, for a path of prosperity not only economic but also social."

In addition to his work at FCT NOVA, Rodrigo Martins is the Director of the Centre of Excellence in Microelectronics and Optoelectronic Processes of the Institute for the Development of New Technologies (CEMOP/UNINOVA) and the President of the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC) and the International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS).