

NOVA School of Science and Technology hosts the 3rd Portuguese Meeting on Biomathematics


On July 13 and 14, NOVA School of Science and Technology will host the 3rd Portuguese Meeting on Biomathematics, which aspires to bring together national researchers interested in Biomathematics, promoting an interaction between mathematicians - who work on models arising from the domain of biology- and biologists - who use mathematics as an invaluable tool in their research.

Organised by NOVA Math-Centre for Mathematics and Applications in partnership with the Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications of the University of Aveiro (CIDMA), the meeting counts with a short course dedicated to the topic 'Stochastic processes theory and applications', by Nico Stollenwerk and Maíra Aguiar, from BCAM ( Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Bilbao, Spain).

For more information, click here.