

Traditional Graduation Ceremony 2022 returning in-person format on May 28


The Queima das Fitas (tradicional graduation ceremony) for the 2021/22 finalists will take place on May 28th.

The ceremony that celebrates the end of the academic path of students at NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA) starts at 9:00 am and, unlike the last two years, it will be entirely in-person.

This ceremony focused on the Students will be attended by the Rector of NOVA, the Dean of FCT NOVA, the Department Chairs and Degrees Coordinators, and the President of the Students' Association of NOVA School of Science and Technology.

To cheer up the end of the journey, there are performances by TunaMaria and anTUNiA.

Families and friends are invited to watch the finalist students take the stage, which will occur in two separate sessions, according to their degrees, to receive the much-desired diplomas. The first session, starting at 9:00 am, is aimed at students from DEMI, DCR, DCM, DM, DF and DCEA departments. The finalists from the DCV, DQ, DEEC, DI and DEC departments will be called from 2:00 pm.

The event is organized by the Students’ Association (AEFCT).