

NOVA School of Science and Technology and Chinese association CEBTECA sign cooperation and mobility agreement


FCT NOVA e associação chinesa CEBTECA assinam acordo de cooperação e mobilidade

The NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT NOVA) and the China Europe Building Technology Exchange and Cooperation Association (CEBTECA) signed, last April 27, a cooperation agreement aimed at promoting the mobility of higher education students and academic staff between China and Portugal, within the scope of the Master's program in Civil Engineering.

The project, a pioneer between the parties, covers dozens of Chinese universities and intends to send, per academic year, amidst 20 and 30 Chinese students with a degree in Civil Engineering to enter the corresponding master's program at FCT NOVA.

"Today is an historic day for our university and for everyone involved in the development of this partnership. I want to thank the professors of Chinese universities, the association, our university professors, especially our colleagues in the Department of Civil Engineering for the effort they have put in for the success of this alliance", declared Virgílio Cruz Machado, Dean of FCT NOVA.

Ganlin Ouyang, president of CEBTECA, stated that this inter-institutional partnership represents just a beginning and that they are open to receiving NOVA students in their postgraduate programs in China. "We will work so that our cooperation is not limited to civil engineering, and should be progressively extended to other courses at NOVA University of Lisbon", declared.


Associação Chinesa e Faculdade NOVA de Lisboa assinam acordo (Correio da Manhã)

Associação Chinesa e Faculdade NOVA de Lisboa assinam acordo para programa de mestrado (IRIS FM)
