

Inauguration of the renovated UNINOVA facilities


With 36 years of existence, the Interface Institute of NOVA School of Science and Technology, UNINOVA, unveiled its renovated facilities on the 17th of May.

The event was attended by the Dean of FCT NOVA, Virgílio Cruz Machado, the Coordinator of UNINOVA and Assistant Vice-Dean for Internationalization, Ricardo Jardim Gonçalves, Coordinators of Research Units, Department Chairs and members of Faculty Bodies.

“UNINOVA is the only interface institution of the Faculty recognized by official entities and has now gained a dignify space, which reflects the innovative and pioneering work that it has been developing over time,” Virgílio Cruz Machado said.

The Interface Centers are the entities that develop and promote research and innovation processes, with the aim of accelerating the integration of new processes, services or products based on scientific and technological knowledge and with high added value, in companies and industry. UNINOVA has 120 researchers, being the largest interface center in attracting European funds.

Discover UNINOVA's work here.