

Applications open for MathIngenious Summer School 2022


MathIngenious summer school returns to NOVA School of Science and Technology campus |from the 6th to the 8th of July. Applications are now open and will run until May 5th.

Designed for secondary school students, completing the 12th year, showing above-average skills and talent and whose vocation is directed towards the areas of Mathematics or Engineering, this summer school aims to increase the level of interest and bring with new discipline topics.

This year the topics to be addressed are “Mathematics and Cosmos”, “Mathematics and Life”, “Mathematics, Finance and Risk” and “Mathematics and Security”.

Participation in MathIngenious 2022 has a registration fee of €30, which includes scientific and social programs, meals (lunch and snacks) and school insurance for the period between 6 and 8 July 2022.

More information here

This is an initiative of the Department of Mathematics at NOVA School of Science and Technology, which has been encouraging activities to bring high school students closer to mathematics.