

Association for the Promotion of the Almada Innovation District is now official


On September 21, took place the public deed that establishes the Association for the Promotion of the Almada Innovation District, which was attended by the Dean of the NOVA School of Science and Technology.

The new Association aims to promote openness and dialogue between academic, social and business institutions in the region with the communities where they operate. Another of its objectives is to contribute to the social cohesion, urban, economic, sporting, cultural and environmental development of Monte da Caparica and Porto Brandão.

The Founding Members are the NOVA University of Lisbon , the Egas Moniz Teaching Cooperative, the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Almada and the proprietary companies in the region - Urbivista, RustikPuzzle and Construções Norte-Sul. As an open association, they will be enlisted by more partners in the upcoming weeks.