

NOVA and Almada City Council sign partnership - Institute of Art and Technology will be born in Fort of Trafaria


Assinada a escritura que vai permitir criar o Instituto de Arte e Tecnologia (IA

Portugal will have the first research, teaching and artistic creation center that combines art and technology. On January 20, the deed that will allow the creation of the Institute of Art and Technology (IAT) at Fort of Trafaria was signed, establishing the partnership between the NOVA University of Lisbon and the Almada City Council.

The former Presidio of Trafaria will be transformed into a strategic platform for training, research, innovation and services to the community. An interdisciplinary space that looks at the interface between art and technology as a privileged means to intervene creatively in society, contributing with cutting-edge innovation for its sustainable development.

"The Institute of Art and Technology is one of the priorities of NOVA's strategy for 2020-2030 and fulfills our mission: serving the country and society, locally and globally, through knowledge and innovation. Therefore, it will be an open and inclusive space, developed with national and international partnerships, but which will give special attention to the various local communities, functioning as an ecosystem for qualifying the population and developing the surrounding space ”, says NOVA's Rector, João Sàágua.

The Mayor of Almada, Inês de Medeiros, believes that “the IAT, in addition to creating a unique educational offer in the country, reinforcing Almada as a Municipality of knowledge, will allow the rehabilitation of one of the most iconic buildings, respecting and promoting its memory and, consequently, boosting the whole beautiful area of ​​Trafaria ”.

The first step is thus taken towards the creation of what will be an excellent teaching and research center in the area of ​​arts and technologies and which will boost the social and economic development of Trafaria, in particular, and of Almada, in general.