

Open Call for one Research Fellowship for MSc Holder


One Research Fellowship for a MSc holder is opened under the scope of project MarLEM (Maritime Logistics Engineering and Management), which is co-funded by European Maritime and Fisheries Fund of the European Union under the following call EMFF-BlueEconomy-2018, grant agreement number 863713.

Scientific area: Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Sub scientific area: Logistics and transports, Supply chain

Job summary: The project MarLEM (Maritime Logistics Engineering and Management) has its genesis on a very particular identification of specific growing skills gap affecting particular knowledge intensive sectors, in this case Port and Maritime, such as skills mismatch between labour market needs and the output of educational institutions, and a lack of communication and cooperation between education and industry to efficiently align supply and demand.

Job description: The activities under this fellowship encompass participating (a) in the planning and validation processes of the training schemes of the Master programme in Maritime Logistics, and (b) in the preparation of the associated communication plan and dissemination activities to the other stakeholders.

Admission requirements: Applicants to this call may be national, foreign or stateless holding a Master degree or equivalent in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Logistics and Transportation, or related areas.

Previous experience on the maritime logistic activities is mandatory. The candidate should be highly motivated to pursue a scientific career in the field of maritime supply chain. Scientific autonomy and willing to publish will be valued.

Rules and regulation: Law no. 40/2004, of 18 August, amended and republished by Decree-Law No. 202/2012 of 27 August (Statute of the Scientific Research Fellowship) and amended by Decree-Law No. 233/2012 of 29 October and Law No. 12 / 2013 of 29 January; by Decree-Law No. 89/2013, of 9 July and by Decree-Law No. 123/2019, of 28 August; Research Foundation Regulations of the Science and Technology Foundation, I.P., in force ( ).

Workplace: Departament of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (DEMI), at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (FCT-NOVA), located in Campus da FCT-NOVA 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Helena Carvalho.

Fellowship duration: The fellowship will be for 6 months under the regime of exclusive dedication. The fellowship is expected to start in December 2020.

Gross monthly remuneration: The monthly maintenance allowance is € 1 064,00 according to table values of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia regulations, in the country ( and will be paid monthly by bank transfer. If the fellowship holder wishes to apply to the voluntary social security, the contributions will be covered by the project.

Evaluation: The criteria of evaluation are based on the scientific and curricular path. The assessment of the applicants' CV, in particular scientific merit and research capacity, shall be based on the following criteria:

a)       Detailed CV (40 points):

―      Research experience, particularly with relevance for this project work (20 points),

―      Scientific -publications/communications (20 points);

b)       Motivation letter (20 points):

―      Interest and motivation (10 points),

―      English language skills and written communication abilities (10 points);

c)       Interview (20 points): the interview will be done only to the candidates with classification higher than 40 points in the first two criteria.

Candidate final classification system shall be given based on a scale 0-100 points. The jury reserves the right to not assign the grant depending on the quality of the application.

Jury members:

The jury is formed by:

‪            President of the jury: Professora Doutora Helena Carvalho

‪            Effective jury members: Professor Doutor Annesh Zutshi

‪            Effective jury members: Professor Doutor António Grilo

‪            Substitute jury members: Professora Doutora Celeste Jacinto

Notification of Results: Both admitted and excluded candidate list and final classification list shall be published in the DEMI website ( and the selected candidate will be notified by email. After publication, all candidates have 10 working days to respond.

Application Period: From 21st October to 3rd November 2020.

Candidate should apply, by email addressed to with the subject “Application to MarLEM Project MSC fellowship” and attach a single PDF file with the following documents in English:

a)       Copy of certificate or diploma;

b)       Detailed curriculum vitae;

c)       Letter of motivation in English;

d)       Other relevant documents;

Candidates who obtained their academic degrees from non-Portuguese institutions must present proof of the recognition of the qualifications by a Portuguese institution and the conversion of the respective final grade to the Portuguese grading scale. The legal regime applicable to recognition processes, required after January 1, 2019, is that approved by Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of August 16. Additional information available on the Portal of the Directorate-General for Higher Education (Direção Geral do Ensino Superior, DGES)

All candidates who formalize the application in an improper way or fail to prove the requirements imposed by this tender are excluded from admission. In case of doubt, the panel is entitled to request any candidate to present further documentation supporting their statements. False statements provided by the candidates shall be punished by law.

Non-discrimination and equal access policy: FCT-NOVA actively promotes a non-discrimination and equal access policy, reason for which no candidate can be benefited, prejudiced or deprived of any duty, namely age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, religion or political beliefs.