In order to provide moments of reflection on a NEW perspective, a NEW reading, a NEW route to the University, the NOVA Vision of the Future webinars have as their main themes societal, scientific and pedagogical challenges, which will be under discussion in these monthly sessions.
These webinars are the responsibility of the NOVA School of Science and Technology Board and are organized by Fátima Rodrigues, Maria Manuel Seabra da Costa and Paula Urze.
The community has the opportunity to contribute with its know-how to the Society's responses to the pandemic.
The first webinar, under the theme Societal Challenges in Disruptive Times, features Carla Nunes, Dean of the National School of Public Health, and Pedro Santa Clara, Professor at NOVA SBE, founding partner of Shaken Not Stirred and School 42 Lisbon. Paula Urze, President of the Department of Applied Social Sciences, will moderate the debate.
The meeting is scheduled for September 23, Wednesday, from 12:00 to 13:00, at the following link https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/93933517590?pwd=dDR2WWZuZjZTMitKVCtFZExzdVhidz09
More information at https://www.fct.unl.pt/nova-visao-de-futuro