

NOVA School of Science and Technology Biomedical Students Win EIT Health InnoStars HeadStart 2020



NOVA School of Science and Technology's Biomedical Engineering student team is one of the winners of the EIT Health InnoStars HeadStart 2020 acceleration program.

The team developed a new cough monitoring wearable system - C-mo - which secured € 40,000 in funding and a mentoring program.

C-mo was previously recognized in several national competitions, having received numerous awards and mentions, such as the Life Enablers (2018), NOVA Idea Competition (2019), I3S Health Innovation Prize (2019) and an honorable mention from Universidade Nova de Lisbon (2019).

The EIT Health Headstart programme provides emerging companies with mentorship and funding opportunities to accelerate the development and time-to-market of innovative products and services to improve the lives of European patients and citizens.
