

NOVA School of Science and Technology participates in a project that promotes circular economy in the construction sector


EEA Grants

NOVA School of Science and Technology, through the waste group of Polo MARE NOVA of the Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, is part of the consortium of the project “(Un) build for Circular Economy” that was approved, within the scope of the Notice - Projects for the promotion of the Circular Economy in the Construction Sector, of the “Environment, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy” program of the EEA Grants (Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area).

The project, promoted by the Intermunicipal Community of Baixo Alentejo (CIMBAL), aims to be a solution for reducing the environmental impact of civil construction. The initiative, that will last two years,  aims to promote a regional strategy for the reuse of construction products and components, streamline the recycling of construction and demolition waste and foster the circular economy in this area.
EEA Grants, which will support 85% of the total budget for this project, is financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. These grants aim to invest in the Member States of the European Union with the greatest deviations from the European average of GDP per capita, including Portugal.

The project partners are also: LNEG - National Energy and Geology Laboratory; Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre - Circular Economy Laboratory of Alentejo; Resialentejo, EIM; Smart Waste Portugal; RDF Construções, Lda .; Cercibeja; International Development Norway (Norway); National Center for Sustainable Production and Consumption (Romania) and ENVIROS, s.r.o. (Czech Republic).



"Projeto (Des)construir para a Economia Circular aprovado pelos EEA Grants" (Sul Informação Alentejo)